
*NEWYEARS2004* | *jeremylamb* | mark macminn | *susanne* | more westwoodians! | adam | amanda | ben | *brandyn* | *celena* | *debbie* | dirk | genevieve | *james and teresa* | *janice* | jeffrey | jeremiah | dean | *kaite* | *michael* | michelle | noelle | sakre and steve | *selah!*

in austin, moving soon, still in austin though!

janice, halloween '02


janice lives in austin now, is an swt graduate, a substitute teacher, lives by herself, and is an awesome friend to everyone she likes! no really, she's doing well, she makes an awesome fruit salad and is makin' her way in the world today.
Okay, so I've been subbing in the same special ed
classroom for four days -- I'm in for a TA so it's pretty
light work, also Friday is their make-up/free day so all
the kids are pretty sedate, at least comparitaively. 
Anyway, during fifth there was a kid who went into a long
protracted rant at the regular teacher, about how she
only knew what she wanted to know and did a half assed
job and was a hypocrite and didn't do this or that --
it was kinda hard to follow as he keep switching topics
everytime she tried to respond, he honed in on me towards
the end of the period -- it was bizarre and surreal --
so anyway, the reason I'm writing:  Does anybody know
anything about how to deal with lunatic rants from people
who keep changing the topic, won't be calm, and often
won't stop long enough to let in a response?  I tought
maybe between the collective expeierience, pyscologyical
study, and supreme argumentative skills of my friends
I might be able to pick up some pointers, because I
didn't do anybetter than the teacher, who was herself
rather stumped -- after the calss she threw up her
hands wanting to know what else she could have done
other than try patient dialouge and lack of response. 
See you in about a week I suppose, if not sooner. 
Love to all, two legs or four, toodles
I can't decide if I am blessed or cursed.  I sit in a
computer tech room, where all the kids work on their
own in Photoshop, where I am invited to use the
internet as much as I like, in a dimly lit room where
there is no seventh period.  However, the system
harddrive has gone south so there's no telling if
anything is going to get done today.  At least it
isn't something that the teacher will have to fix,
cause I'm here for the rest of the month.  
   Also, I've discovered that the check I thought had
not reached my credit card company has bounced because
I made alternate payments.  Really, I think if VISA
can't be bothered to cash a check in three weeks of
recieving it, I don't think I should be penalized, but
somehow I know the credit union won't see it my way. 
Dammit all to hell......  GRR.

Anyway, in happier news, I had fun with you guys last
weekend.  I've been using the penis lipstick, I can't
decide if I like it though, as it makes my lips so
pink they look plastic.  

I spend too much time on my butt,  Do you sill go
skating occasionally?


PS:  The announcements have just declared "SAD is
collecting pants for homeless men."  This is going to
keep me amused all day, and not just because the
announcer fucked up and  said from.
