Okay, so I've been subbing in the same special ed
classroom for four days -- I'm in for a TA so it's pretty
light work, also Friday is their make-up/free day so all
the kids are pretty sedate, at least comparitaively.
Anyway, during fifth there was a kid who went into a long
protracted rant at the regular teacher, about how she
only knew what she wanted to know and did a half assed
job and was a hypocrite and didn't do this or that --
it was kinda hard to follow as he keep switching topics
everytime she tried to respond, he honed in on me towards
the end of the period -- it was bizarre and surreal --
so anyway, the reason I'm writing: Does anybody know
anything about how to deal with lunatic rants from people
who keep changing the topic, won't be calm, and often
won't stop long enough to let in a response? I tought
maybe between the collective expeierience, pyscologyical
study, and supreme argumentative skills of my friends
I might be able to pick up some pointers, because I
didn't do anybetter than the teacher, who was herself
rather stumped -- after the calss she threw up her
hands wanting to know what else she could have done
other than try patient dialouge and lack of response.
See you in about a week I suppose, if not sooner.
Love to all, two legs or four, toodles